I so enjoyed last week with Nick, Ben, and Conner here with me everyday. It was the best vacation we have ever had! We got to do so many activities and never had to go too far from home. The boys loved having Daddy here all the time. But this week, it was back to work and school...
Health Update... We have been blessed with zero seizures for the past month! We still have some medication issues to work out with Conner, but for now the meds are working! We have greatly enjoyed the break from all the seizure scares. We have stayed out of the hospital since last year, so we are loving that as well!
Potty Update... (sigh)... Someday we will get it figured out! They are both doing much better though. Conner pees in the potty on a regualr basis if he has his underwear on. Ben has made it into a competition so that everytime Conner goes, Ben says that he has to go more! This is not always the case and has led to a few accidents. They both refuse to believe that it is okay to poop in the potty so we have yet to experience that!
Speech Update... Ben is talking so good now. He surprises us all the time with what he says. New words everyday! Conner is really starting to catch up. His medications were hindering his speech (and they still might be) but he is starting to say new words now. It is nice to be able to have little conversations with the little guys!
Behavior Update... Ben is still his wild little self. Nothing slows that kid down. He is usually very happy and almost always excited about something! Conner is still our little observer. He watches everything! He is also getting quite the little attitude. His favorite pose lately is to cross his arms in front of his chest and say "no, don't want to." Put these two together and you always have a situation in which an adult must be present at all times!!! Although they can be very nice to each other, they also seem to fight more now too. I suppose that's just part of being brothers!
Just wanted to get a few updates jotted down to help you keep with us!