"The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, October 8, 2012


While we were playing outside this afternoon Ben actually caught a grasshopper!  Usually I have to help a little so he doesn't accidently squish whatever bug he is trying to catch, but he caught this one all by himself.  He was very proud.  When it was time to go in, I asked Ben what he wanted to do with the grasshopper and he said he wanted to let him go so he could go find his family.  Very sweet...  As we were getting ready to go in, we heard the marching band at the high school playing so Conner insisted on staying out just a little longer so he could listen.  There was some kind of marching band show at Linn-Mar last night so there were lots of bands playing, including the Iowa Hawkeye Marching Band!  We heard the announcer introduce them and then they played the Iowa Fight Song.  Conner was overjoyed!

Ironically, while we were listening to the Hawkeye Band, Nick was going to Iowa City to sit in one of the sky boxes for a dedication ceremony of some kind.  The important news there is that he got to meet Kirk Ferentz and enjoy free food and drinks!  He had a great time, even though he was too chicken to ask the coach for a picture with him!!!  So, since Daddy wasn't home for dinner, we decided to make our own pizzas tonight.  The boys actually loved this and were very proud of themselves for making their own dinner!  (Although Ben informed me, he was a little upset that I didn't have chef hats for them...) 

Conner and Ben were almost done making their pizzas.  Check out the leaning tower of mini pepperoni on Ben's!

Once the pizzas were done, we sat down to eat.  I will just say that the making of the dinner went a lot smoother than the actual eating of the dinner... but I suppose that is no surprise since almost every meal right now is a struggle with these two!  They would just rather be doing something else! 


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