"The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, December 14, 2018

Check Up...

The four of us went to Iowa City today to meet with the pediatric hematologist for Ben. He had to have more blood work done and we didn't get great news... Ben's iron was low and he was anemic, so he will have to take iron for a while. They were not able to get an accurate platelet count because it clumped, but the doctor said that the level had not decreased from Wednesday. Ben's spleen is a bit enlarged so we are hoping that will go back to normal. Ben will not be able to play any sports for at least 4 weeks. That is when we go back to the clinic because the IVIG they gave him in the hospital lasts about 3 weeks, so they want to see what the platelet count does in the next few weeks. So, we will hope for the best and keep reminding our active little guy to take it easy! We did enjoy the view from the clinic window though!

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