"The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Little Win...

Today was the day we headed back to Iowa City to talk to Ben's doctor about a new plan. We found out that after a week of being on a high dose steroid after that awful bloody nose, Ben's platelet count jumped up 159k. That is the highest it has been all year, although we know it is entirely due to the steroid. Life has taught us to take the little wins when we can, so Ben was really happy hearing that his count was so high and he didn't care about the reason! The doctor told us about a different med that he thinks is worth a try, so when Ben's count gets back down to under 50k, we will be making weekly trips to IC so Ben can get the drug injected at the hospital. (Maybe, just maybe, the count will stay up????) Anyhow, for tonight, we decided to celebrate and enjoy the win today. Ben requested Zoey's pizza and Conner agreed, so we enjoyed pizza and a zookie! Another reason to celebrate, as the boys reminded us after school, is that today is their half birthday!!!

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