"The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, March 22, 2020


Normally, we would be bustling around, preparing for going back to school after our Spring Break. I would probably be griping about making lunches to take to school and stressing about how hard the first day of school is after a break. I would definitely be looking forward to seeing my friends and students because I miss all of them so much. The boys would probably be grumpy that they have to go back to school and be complaining about a class they are going to have homework in. They would also be very excited to see their friends and teachers and share Spring Break stories. But not today.... Today is weird. It is not normal. It is not filled with our back to school habits, worries, and excitements. It is actually filled with something close to silence. None of us know what to say or how to react when our norm is so incredibly disrupted. We will do our best tomorrow to stay positive, enjoy spending time at home, and maybe even get some school work done... I do have a plan, complete with task lists, choice boards, and all kinds of fun things... we will see how it goes!

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