"The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Thoughts at the End of 2011...

Some thoughts to end the year...

  • We made it through 2011 without having to call 911 even once!  We did have a few hospital visits, but no ambulance rides, so that is definitely a step in the right direction!
  • Every morning that I am awakened at 5:30 am by screaming children, furniture scraping along the floor, and objects being thrown out of their room, I try and remind myself that someday I won't even be able to get them out of bed...  and then I think that this might be just as annoying...
  • My family continues to sustain and support me completely... Thank you for that...
  • I told myself a long time ago that I would never get tired of being called Mommy...  and I have stuck to that... even on the days when all I hear all day long is "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mom, MOM, Mommy, MOMMY... you get the idea!
  • I have realized that kids are always cuter in jammies.  If they happen to be asleep while in said jammies, even better...
  • The picture in my head of how my life is "supposed" to be, keeps getting fuzzier... and I realize more everyday that that's okay!
  • Having two wild sons makes me appreciate being still every once in a while.  So, don't take my inaction as laziness, I'm just enjoying the moment...
  • People continue to surprise me on a daily basis... especially my babies!
  • There's something that has been bothering me lately so I'm just going to say it... I've known people who have a seemingly perfect life where everything they plan actually happens right when they want it to, that's great for them.  But for most of us, that's just not how it works and that's okay.  My life is different than yours.... I have everything I never knew I always wanted.  I'm one of the lucky ones and I wouldn't change a thing.  So, remember that even if your plans don't work out how you would have liked them to, you might just be in for the greatest joy of your life...
  • As always, I wish that time would slow down. 
  • When we decided to build a new house, we constantly had people telling us (most jokingly) that it was a sure way to get a divorce!  All the decisions pile up and it is just too much for some people.  Nick and I have been through way worse...  the great thing about our past heartaches is that they made us stronger and much better prepared for our future!
  • I wish that I could remind myself each and every morning to not "sweat the small stuff."  I still spend way too much time worrying....but hey, we all need something to work on, right?!
  • The best thing about another year is that I get to watch my boys grow up more and discover all kinds of new things!  Man, I love you guys so much!
Happy 2012 everyone!  Much love to you all for following along with us this past year!  I wish good health, happiness, and love to you all!

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