"The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday morning memo...

Although it has been a whole month since school started, we are all still getting used to it!  The boys are exhausted by the end of the week!  On Friday night, as I was reading our bedtime book (early, because the boys were struggling to stay awake) Ben completely passed out in his bed.  Conner was nearly asleep in the bean bag.  So we ended story time and these big boys were asleep by 7:30pm.  The problem is that Ben and Conner still haven't gotten the memo about Saturday mornings... I have tried telling them that Saturdays are for sleeping in and relaxing.  Ya, apparently they don't agree.  Ben has been pretty good though, he will come into my room and quietly lay beside me and rest.  Conner, however, still gets up as early as possible.  This morning, Conner managed to get one of his stuffed animal's clothing items tied around his wrists so that he couldn't move his hands.  He came running into my room saying he was stuck.  When I saw his bound wrists, I jumped out of bed and managed to get his hands free so blood could start flowing to his fingers again.  So... Conner has learned a new way to get me out of bed on Saturday morning...

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